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How do you know if you have dry eye? How do you know if you have dry eye?

How do you know if you have dry eye?

At Outlook Eye Centre we have an extensive range of dry eye assessment tools that we use – correct diagnosis of dry eye is important so that we can tailor specialised treatments for each individual.

Our dry eye assessment includes:

Dry eye questionnaire – The Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) is a 12-item questionnaire designed to assess symptoms of ocular irritation consistent with dry eye disease and its impact on day-to-day living.

Thorough history – certain medications, eye drops and general health problems can affect dry eye.

Tear volume assessment – we use the phenol red thread test to make sure that the lacrimal gland is producing enough of the watery component of the tears to support a healthy tear film.

Meibography – this allows imaging and analysis of the Meibomian glands using an infrared camera.  Meibomian gland dysfunction is the cause of over 80% of dry eye.

Vital dyes - We use two specific dyes to detect and highlight any problems with the cornea and the conjunctiva.

Expression of Meibomian glands – it is helpful to gently apply pressure to the Meibomian glands to assess whether they are blocked and also to observe the quality of the oil that is expressed.

Digital tear film analysis – each time you blink, the tear film spreads to recoat the surface of the eye.  In between blinks, the tear film needs to be stable to protect the eye.  Unfortunately in dry eye, this time between blinks is often reduced which leaves the surface of the eye exposed and unprotected which can cause serious problems.  Using digital technology we are able to measure the stability of the tear film using video analysis as well as analysis of the lipid layer of the tear film

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