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Does A Computer Harm My Eyes?

23 September 2012
Does A Computer Harm My Eyes?

Does a computer damage my eyes?

Over the last 20 years computers have taken over our lives. Whether we’re at home or in the office, a lot of our time is spent staring at a computer screens. So is it doing our eyes any harm?

Does a computer damage my eyes?

There is no evidence to suggest that computer screens actually damage your eyes - no matter how long you spend looking at one. However, what computer screens can cause is eye strain, fatigue, headaches and dry eye. These do not cause permanent damage to the eyes, but can be uncomfortable if not fixed.

Sometimes if you are getting these symptoms it may not be to do with the computer itself - but instead the environment in which you are using your computer. For example, poor lighting and the way that you position your computer screen can make a difference to the effect on your eyes.

Why do computers make the eyes hurt?

Before computers were around our eyes rarely had to focus intensely on one object - we would usually be alternating between far and near distance. Therefore, when we spend several hours staring at a computer screen it makes the muscles in our eyes very tired, which causes the strain and fatigue that you may experience.

How can I minimise computer eye problems?

If you find that using a computer is causing discomfort for your eyes, there are ways that you can minimise it. It is important that before you do anything different that you have an eye exam with your optometrist to ensure there are not any serious problems causing the symptoms.

An increasingly popular choice for regular computer users is computer lenses. These lenses have been specifically designed to help minimise eye strain and other computer-related vision problems. Ask your Toowoomba optometrist for more information.

 Always ensure that you visit your Toowoomba optometrist every two years for a comprehensive eye exam.

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