Why Every Child Diagnosed With ADHD Should Have An Eye Test
(Does your child really have ADHD or do they just need an eye exam?)
(How Home-based Vision Therapy is changing ADHD lives)
ADD. ADHD. Ritalin… Three words that for many children spell a difficult future in school, while struggling to cope with the negative side effects of powerful prescription drugs. Experts however, are now finding that in up to a quarter of these children, it’s not actually behavioural disorders that are the issue. Rather, it’s undiagnosed vision problems that can be assessed and effectively treated with glasses and by using home-based Vision Therapy.
The symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder and undiagnosed vision disorders are very similar. Children with poor focus (accommodation dysfunction) and poor eye teaming (convergence insufficiency) show many of the same symptoms of a learning disability, including poor concentration and comprehension, inattentiveness, and sensory issues.
A functional vision exam is needed to determine if vision disorders have caused some or even all of the symptoms, and if so, Shannon will be able to discuss this and prescribe the appropriate glasses and / or Vision Therapy. This therapy has been found to help manage many of the symptoms associated with ADD/ADHD and, for many, eliminate the need for medication. Unfortunately, Vision Therapy leads to another challenge. Traditionally, the therapy involved a long, boring and often time-consuming process. Not something any kid (or adult) enjoys!
But again, times have changed for the better.
Today, computerised developmental Vision Therapy programs have made it fun and easy. Highly motivating for people of all ages, and especially children, the computerised activities are presented in a ‘game’ format. The computer analysis gives regular, progressive feedback as to how the subject’s skills are improving.
Experts believe that up to 80% of learning comes through our eyes, so visual challenges can have huge impact on a whole range of learning areas. If your child is struggling with learning difficulties, why not book an appointment with Shannon at Outlook Eye Centre today? We can help you see a bright future ahead for them!